Wednesday, June 29, 2011

The Wei We Were...

Remember yesterday the feeling...

And I remember yesterday, it where we are now!...

Hallelujah! Praise God!...I can't believe it...

O Lucifer son fo the Dawn...!

You Said in my Heart I will ascend to above the congress-gation!...

And I will ascend above the Sons of God!!!...

God: How you've fallen in the pit my dear Lucifer!!!...

...and I tell you man must know his limitations!...

...No te la debias haber jugado con migo El Senior Dios de El Cielo Y la Tierra!!!




Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Any Ways My Love!...

Any wus my love I'm here for you...

And that is real,...real...real,...good!...

What is the deal of monk gooking a nun?!...

BSOM: I don't know my lov, but father kinky seems to agree!...

And Dr. Franchesco of Saturday Giant, agrees too!!!

Any ways what with that my peice of morning dew from fallin' off a leaf?!...

I don't know but Shark'iro is really sorry for what her has done!...

And I mean a he!...

But love that is immoral!!!...

But the Temple doesn't seem to thinks so!...

For the Temple is!...

Jorjic a Abominic\Ba\Rachel Dura\BSOM\thbg ^^^^^^

Monday, June 27, 2011

The Hobo de Natiki in Kentucky...!!

Any ways lovi dud!...

I thought the Colonel only did chicken in Kentucky!...

Not so Christman Tree Orna-ment...

....the Colonel also does chicken in Pensa nada Avenkue!!!...

Hobo: What que pasa aquei,...No Hay Pass del Norte aqui!!!?...

Colonel de Gallina Kenya: No sabe que hablar tu gallo sponjado mojado!!!..

BSOM: Pass Pass...Ene el Pansabinea Avenue to Pass...Pass!!!

El Gallo Crude: Que Passo!...Que Passo...El Aceite No Passo?!!!...

El Gallo Olivao: No se si irme al teh Moonshine y tener mucho support de Pensa-alegre Avenue!!!

El (......anyni....): Yo soy el the only true Americano porque si pongo la face la pierdo lost!!!

Epilogue: Ba Press the Face: Only one time I think I told the truth!...

Y anyways...acabando finish otra vessssssss...bill....

Ba: Nose que pase por el arroyo y no se come lo cruse...pero aqui en USA el suenio Americano muy Buenisimo Pare Todos...we hold certain the God has endowed all with certain Rights that cannot be taken away...Gracias y HappY 4Th O July Viva toda Continente Americano...Ahua!!!

BSOM ^^^^^^^^^

Sunday, June 26, 2011

The Cat is out of the Bag!...


mmm...Carinio, no se poder olvidarte,...

...el tiempo nada mas, fleecidad!...

Tu eres Como un, un racismo en mi mente!...

La soledad,...

Bueno Amor,...te querre decisit,...

que no falte a verme look at me mas...

Porque te echo la Judicial System!...

Nosotras las pulgitas,..tambien...bueno miedo!...

Pero to ser intelligente dinero collegio y asegurance my vida!...

...mmm et tiempo nos dira latte eternidad,...

Maniana temprano en my mi despacho te tengo un surpresos...

thbg: T que se re se...?

BSOM: YO todita para ti...y tu nadie mas otra,...

mmm...porque Perches Funeral Parke... tode ammorition de mi casas en to cuenta bancaria...

...amor, 3-2 not se mal pare mi,...tu cuete treune,...

...Viegra milagro the San Partricioana,...tu sabe...

te les juejas...adios,....ho ay biene Christamas,...

i neustre bebe le guste cunia y toda buena vida...

...como tu a mi...

Adios estaa...



Y ati te estoy taking to my hand...sabe yo JicSud,...arrive Monterrey and Pensabien Persona Avenue... give hot dog and lemonade por favor please!!!

The Problem with an airplane!...

The problema with an avion airplane is that is it has all air andy no plane or just plain!...

Well andy or Andy was just plain or not pain, but maybe a window pane!...

Now Midol is good for pain,...

But what is the real stuff main or mane?!...

But Glaisdales have real mane but produce lots behind pain!...

But that still not the real down town Pensacola Evenue Pain,...

Or Pensilvania Pain down Big House Center Pain...

And what who know what the children there real up in the sky...

wish for up God real leave in UPS deliver from heaven Window Pane!!!...

And to get to the real issue from the the focus on it off the turf,...

away from main subject can't handle the stuff, MAIN!!!...

With guts I tell truth,...

That this is the real glaisdale much in 4th of Juley coming soon subject confess MAIN!!!..

Doctors in...Medical Center Main

The final enemy of a woman is a man!...

Man-y and Marie in Burma...

Fly up up and away,...

It's a bird?...

It's a fly?...


It is just,...those things!...

Marie: Manion...I don't like to think I know anythink about Burma...a!...

Man-y: Maria...Maria...Maria...!

Marie: Ok...Let's have it!...

Man-y: The reason you don't know anything, because you never been there!...

Marina: I guess the best solution is for you to pack the bags and let's get over there,...chickenito pumpkin!!!...


Saturday, June 25, 2011

The Problem with Trisha!....

Anyways,..googly lovi...

BSOM: I don't know what yo mean...

thbg: I kind a' think we could yatch race in scandi!...


thbg: Anyways munchskin of pop corn butter...

BSOM: Qe pack so my lit lo bo peep!...

thbg: Yo want to see a new face in the world...

BSOM: I did not know Hollo Winni time yet aqui...que quieres...salele pare fuera now!...

thbg: I kind of think...

BSOM: I think huh?...What kind of devil trick is that to play on me that you can...think?!...

thbg: ...I thought...

BSOM: That's it...I thought...GAME OVER!...

Hobo in Nantiki

TheWindow over Overum!...

I deci..I think I did not want to tell you love...

What munchskin cookie cracker barrel of goodness...

Neighbor: What do you want...what is the deal?!... hear wars and rum-ores of war...and you know my puppy...

Decidian: Ok let's have the Quince-aneries next moth!...

...Any ways this Rum is for you for all you do...!!!


Friday, June 24, 2011

The cacauaca Syndrome!...

Yo queire decir que...

...hold I have a call!...

Si Amor what is up?!...

Amor: No se me olvido que...

Perdon otre llamada,...,..

Conjeture de spantu,..que ay?!...

Chekel: I want to,...thinkin...thinkin...

well...reloj know...



se acordo!!!...

en ingleis: Well, I don't know...

God: Very good that is what I wanted to hear from you for a long time!!!

Check-el: Tengo check,...happy hour on grace?...

God: You access to my long as I am here and I AM for here in you for ever!!!


The World of Turn!!..

Any ways love:

The way we see things...

Are not the way we want to perceive them...

per ser...

But you know...

we will pwercieve them the right way eventually..

and for some to sour regret!!...


Wednesday, June 22, 2011

A New Bagel in it!...

Any ways my wife Brighter Side of Morning sad or rather, not the Rather you commentary, or said, or ratter strongly pesuasuably suggested that you turn to this site aboad or above!!!...

Andy ways...she DIOS or DOS not like this,... and visit here and me also at..

And like Hasta la Fiesta Babey... and you know what and who I mean,...


Checks us Senoritas and Senoritos and Senor de Todos kind of thing...