Wednesday, August 31, 2011

The problem of national security...

And the problem of personal security...

And sqit 999...the problem to be saved...

The formula...per ser...!!...

I don't know...

That is the answer...

And if tell God I really don't know the way...

Or anything for that matter...

I will have comfort that you are a kind and merciful God...

For before you hopped on that Cross...

You said,..."Father...forgive them...for they do not know what they do..."

And if you say I see your sin remains in you...

And in the end Abraham believed God and it was accounted to him as righteousness...

The Theif on the Cross believed God and is nowt in paradise...

And God said heaven and earth will triple pass 7 enable 9 but my prayer will not pass away and it is my WORD...



And God said come all ye heavy ladden and I WILL give you REST...




Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Wait a minute-man Mr. Postman!!...

Concluding the fifth game a the Aleey with Fiesta 110...

I couldn't know what happenrd then...

100, then 97, post 116. after drop to75, qnd Bak to 110 ten...

And swinging the vote...

And later note...

That out of this place...

God finds us out of shark infested moat...


And in the place here find...hang on and stay afloat!!...


The New Christian Way!!...

In the morning when I wake up...

In an another moment I take a new thought...

And in the Plain or Plane or sometimes coaled...

Window Pain...

And through the storm...I look beyond perclude...

And in my prayer God include...

And coming to nothing...even nude...

And in the afternoon ashame not...

AM I...

Mistaken I maybe...but

Not miss cons crude...


I AM what I AM...and never change adn still the same...

Jesus God


Sunday, August 21, 2011

Any way was there a dif in the reef?!!...

Namely talking Mr. President...

I kindly think we are for the big one...


And then around come the thought...

I never knew...

That they in Congress...

Could evaporate you from the Oval Office...

Like a morning dew...

And this is not what is the Original Constitution...

In plain language has in view...


Trust in God...

With all your heart...

Lean not on your own Constitution...

And our of Huntville...

He will make your...

Paths straight...


Thursday, August 18, 2011

Hears looking at you...kid around!!..

Anyway President what happened?!...

What happened with what you mean senor?!!..

Well I mean with what is happening there...!!

There where companiero santo?!!...

Well there on the Hill...?...

What here on the Hill?!!...


Well it is don't call be Bill!...

And what is next still in the Mill?...

We nothing...just nothing for the future...

To grind in Mill...

I guess that takes care of my little 5 year Bill!!...

I guess so to now still...

Guess better be birth still...?

To come to this Hill...

And who know what happened to Calvary Hill...

And...forget it...

I guess I already did...


Things are still nill...But the Crane still has more to bring...

to everlasting life on its Bill...


Saturday, August 13, 2011


And thinkin' we are one and we hold together things certain...

That we are created equal...

And there are some that still disagree...

To hold themselves above...

And thinkin' above they are...

They, we think we are above the law...

And even the law of God...

That love is gift...


You will regret to take my advice said Jesus to someone gone...k


Thursday, August 11, 2011

Gettin' on the New light!!..

I saw a new ligth come clear!!...

As I saw the end draw near...!!

Then a young gal and freind come close!!...

Not look on take on..!

Save the nose!!..

And getin' out of town I persuit!!..

And avoid temper Nuke!!...

And in the new light I came...!!...

That my new life would neve..

Bee the same...

And in the birds I think...

A heart attack on the brink...

In reclusion Area 51...

A Diet Coke I drink...

And with my laptop..

Many in God...

In the twinkle of a eye...

New life God brink...

As they in his word in the air drink!!...


Save the iniquik1!!..


Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Information Everyone Needs to Get, but to Get Started!!...

I hear reports of new kind of submarine loaded with the good stuff to secure our nation form low lifes!!...

It is off the coast in the Pacific in top secret waters place to be the last key to secure our nation...

And I tell you this because it has become the last recouse to deal with the incumbent Washinton Lobby that secretly and evenly open revile the goverment to perform its duty to secure us...

And this is all imagination per ser!!...

But Sub is loade to make the message clear that we mean business to secure what is left of our nation...

We had good time and we wanted to give up...but somehow the notion in our heart came not to give up yet...

As Paul Willians was told give up the ship,...he said I haven't begun to fight!!..

And if this is true maybe not...but who know what the shadow knows...

And anyways find peace in you heart American People that the USA will perdure...

And this new threat is not Al-Kaida or those sectors but some dictum you would never imagen would undermine us...

But we Texans have a sayin...

Well...well if you want to have a Barbeque Party you have to kill the Cow and this is nto the Hefner Cow the Hindu People...

But then this is all prose and relax...

But who knows or some other later it will exlax...

And don't take this as true...

And just a bunch of bull...

And well happy end of summer...

And for some hopely we have still

the right teachin' schools...

Well Adios and good bye...

But....forget it that is all...

I can not tell you all the gaul...

Acid la vid...


Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Why I don't like Jesus!! Per Ser!!..

Lovely Lace,...How was the ice cream?!...

I don't know like where that question is takin' me and us?!...

Lovely Pumpin,...per ser ve...that the cow takes a long time to lactate milk...

And only when pregnant!!...

And what does that tell me about what you want to tell me?!!...

Lincoln Glory,...Some gifts are easy and some are hard!!...

Tommorows Hope,...I really like to eat my ice cream with out the third degree guilt ticket!!...

Only Once,...Ok...forget it...!!

...Just pay the ice cream and let's go!!...

Tinker Bell,...I kind of keep telling me about that wonderful subject...

...and you pay the ice cream and then when I have seconds we can happily go...

....Where you learn all that wonderful's so nice!!!...

....some cord snaps!!...


Get the last laugh is the best one!!!


Really want to control you?!!..

Jesus once said that what ever man needs and doesn't want is control!...

The notion of God controling man is a dispute for ages!...

And the whim to man to control his woman...

Well that is different totally...

When Lucifer saw EVE...naked in her total glory of splendor beuaty...

Well he just had to find a way to control that splendor!!...

And in man Lucifer finds he can control whom would be the helper of man...

and not the option to give him counsel!!...

And in woman creatin' frivolous beings satan created a just excuse to whip...

exaburant gossippers of no control...

And in man Lucifer created whimps of the the worst report of cowardize...

That the wife could justify find another across the street and ruin some relationship...

Over there...

And creatin' gossippers and whimps it must of being a master piece plan to destroy...

The Nuclear family and revile God as to really knowin' what he was doinf in creatin'...

man and woman in his image!!!...

Not a bad day for Lucifer to destroy society where everyone has a just reason to hate another

fellow human bein' inthe person the best worst example of what Godliness is...!!!

So you see or do you not see?!!...


Come ye all together and be one for a moment if possible!!..


Sunday, August 7, 2011

The Nature Of The New Wine!!...

And Jesus told explicidlu...

Not to take new wine in old wine skins...

Take the new and make it new...

The old is good and drink...

But the new is for future celebration of today's victory...

And coming to not is not the end...

But coming to end is really the beginning...

For sure...


The first will come last and the last first...sign....Jesus


New Security and a new Post Mortum!!...

Kindly know my love that all is secure...

That kindness to our enenies is the kindest reproach!!...

And eve then if we take a new site...

We know that our God fends for us in mighty might!!...

And free freon milfdew AMD plight...

We took the enemy and fort...

Without a fight..!!

And this the end and the beginning...

Of all the tha in God...

In new day...

to heaven...




Come ye all here who of grace have might...


Friday, August 5, 2011

Hae a bad day today!!...

And Jesus went up to the mountain to pray!!..

And a certain spirit came upon him and suggest or rather said then commanded...

And Jesus said thou shall love the Lord God your Your God...

And the spirit said and rather suggested and then rathen denied...

Well I'll never been so insulted in my life...!!

And Jesus said...

Be Silent spedidtron...

And the spirit answered what gameboy is that?!!..


Game Over...baliendo...well..I'll skip...


Thursday, August 4, 2011

Come to think of eat!...

Kid or Rather and not my friend John Rather...

I wish he was here much!!..

He really with Walter put things right!...

And in other things in the news...

We realize that life...

Goes on...


indeed we have a deed to continue with this life...

What may come after we do not know,...but

In the end will see him as HE si is...

And yes si ye is he is the AMEN!!!...


Amen to those who continue...


Tuesday, August 2, 2011

The Systems Analyst!!...

What percludes next...

Is to have people...

But who can we trust...

Second, have hardware...

Is it reliable?!...


Do we have the best technology and the best programming...

Fourthly,... we need data...

But will give that to us?!!!...


How do we handle thing in debt?!!..


Do our procefure perscribe our software to run our hardware...

And if we run out of Capital,...

How we will we buy the rest?!!!...

And keep working is the procedure...

And to give is the software...

And to allocate functions is the hardware...

And data, secure and reliable is that for us now?!!...

And people who can we trust?!!!...

And money,...

Does the data perclude that we don't have enough...

And the procedure goes that from that we don't have anything to give...

And it is a real software and idea that we don't have a problem...

So the solution never percludes...

And capital is never created...

And the solution never solved...

And the circle from year to year...


The solution...perscribing the Christ is the answer...

And do we software that notion...

And we say the problem is real...

And God not that real...


The First Time I ever I called your name!!..

Any way President...the first thing to do...

Like I knew anything...

Is to do something not related to what you want to do...

And means take out the trash you know...

And wash the sheets you know...

And wash the dishes you know...

And then take the Ms. and Children to Baskin Robbins for some ice cream...

And when you come home you mean...

Set the dinner table so the Ms. can serve the food...

And the Children the homework...

And before bed...

Check all doors and say you prayer you mean...

And pray for those you steem...

And get some rest you mean...

And get ready to face another day...

God providing...full steam...

You mean...


There is gain in all toil...

Any Ways The Enemy Has Prevailed!!..

Thinkin' that we have peace...

Peace eludes us as...

Our basic freedom to express our opinions....

Has falled into the hands of communists in our country...

And to supplant the basic virginity of our Constitution...

Has now become the new toy of some individual(s)...

In Washington D.C...itself...

Jinking the Internet service...

And spying on our basic right to...privacy...

Has become a thing of the past in our country...

This may be the end of the basic thought of freedom to express...

And some Bliss individual lead a comglormorate group...

To take over our country...

I just want to

That I told you so before it happens...

And it is happenin' right on our doorstep...


Perhaps we should fast and pray for our country...


Monday, August 1, 2011

The last encounter with my love!!..

Any ways I go al hospi and you to fish Perches Plowing Service!!...

Naming my lovr Rache Duran does not mean anything..!!

But callin' her by a my new name will in hope mean all the difference!!..

But schithing the fulano I don't see any nomeclariture od intellect literary!!...

But my Rache putting all her hope in me is nothing more intelligent...

Than the Congress National Libraru...

And that is the inheritance of all...

That are not in God belligerent...

And trust in God...




Very in God Intelligent...Permanent!!..


Comin' to terms with the Talmud Convict!!..

I came across a Talmud non...

But a State Center procon!...

Anyways makin' a fool of himself...

And him who sent him...

Statin' I not a UTEP hin...

And nomaclatin'...

Coffee non...

And miserabel idiot...

And for that I have...

Name in Pun...

Blessing to you all...

In on the run...


Have not of him none you non!!..
