Monday, October 31, 2011

The Way we wear...!

Remember yesterday...mmm...the feeling....

Love,...I kind of remember yesterday...

I would sit there and envision your beauty...

And I would just marvel at how beautiful I see youl...

And but then it is not a dream...because you are beautiful in truth...

And I mean this indeed that you are...

I really want to return to that moment when I first met you...

Please pray to God that we return to what we first say in each other...


Granted, it is easy to bash Catholics and Christians for their failings, and it would be massibly naive of me to imagine that eth various Buddisht schools aren't guilty of similiar distortions or misdirection...

The Accidental Buddhist
Dinty W. Moore

And that is the thought that what we are taught is not what we believe and...
And whether we are free to belive what we want or are trapped to belive what others...
have us to believe...

And yet are we really free not in body but in heart to really have choice to really find haven to what really hope for...


stay in the program or else we kick out of the circuit...


Friday, October 21, 2011

"We do not change by changing roles..."

"Why do any take small items of spiritual truth and use them to claim superiority?..."

"As if what I have or know makes me better than another!..."

"Don't I realize that the parts of the truth that other have are just as important and essential as those I have?"

And surely putting the cock of a little dog in a little girl is not so bad as long as we a SNA person from perform the ceremony with Government Money...


Sunday, October 16, 2011

The Power and the Priority of Love

thbg what do yo think about love?...
Love how do you answer that question,..since a woman who want to know about that issue...
...Kindly know Lovistud,...that what perclude a woman is not what percludes a love in a man...
...I sit this one out...continue...Love...

I think that we can have a communion of such where we can agree and be agreeble even if we disagree...

But Love some one I'm told always want to win or needs to win...the argument even if they mess it up big time...please continue...I...interested much...

Lovistud,...I think if we can check and check,...freeze freeze... check...chek...then
I really do not know what love is...

But Love,...if given opportunity to escape a relationship should not be happy to go...?

I really don't know what to say about that tema or theme...but...if I checked you out ok...
it must of been for a good lasting reason...even as you thought at that moment...?1

I really not agree with that view,...I really believe the Power and Priory of Love lies in the miracle God put in my heart for you but I don't know how really...I'm in you heart all the time and you in mine...

And Power, that that what God has joined together let no one cast asunder...and that has proven that I don't know where you get all that Power to come back .... and Priority I'm told the first thing you tell me in the morning is...are you there...

And what really hurt me is that when you can't understand that I don't really love you the way you want me to...

And perclude Lovi that percludes that will...forget it...for me you are my first Priority to Love together with Love God himself...

And what percludes that I'm not your first Priority I forgive...because...

When I came to you, did not call me or know me...and in the end...I'm resposible for what I take out of nest...then...I'm happy to have you in mine...

And I know you don't know your own self per ser that some of you much...has to do to follow me where ever I go and ask whether I was in today to see you though you may never admit it to my facy face...


If...forget it...all wish to see you once again....
And...cut there...

Impact of Population on Economics

(a) Rapid population growth nullifies economic gains from industrialization and effort to equalize income.

And certainly if the dotted increase that is not important as a problem why we have the whole world...

(b) Birth control permits increase wealth per person but may limit labor supply for crucial changeover effects.

And certainly we want to limit who comes into the world but who will do the dishes and bed for us...

(c) Gender selection also decreases population growth but with reducing the available labor force.

And we find our selves dotted but not dotted enough to sustain ourselves and the job bill is good bill is some else is there to take on the hull the picking of the onions and chile...

(d) Reduced life span means reduced efficience in many areas---especially education of a skilled labor force.

And worst part we hate about Catholics is that they want to reproduce themselves without brakes and we just don't have enought inversities to help them become something. And per ser the blessing are not there for everyone and who know who will do the ditty business of getting the food on the table...



Pressure of population on land and resources have been a pricipal cause of war in the past.

Teaching the Population

Draper L. Kauffman, Jr.

And the thought is that if we can dot off the map some Arabs and git their oil and we can also cancel some Americans we can win both ways and survive of the fittest like we like to entertain we are more cult and selected and dotted by God as more special...


Comination Strategedies of Hope and Learning...

There have been quite a few attempts to devise combinations of the poll and commission approaches, preserving the advantages of each, while minimizing the disadvantages. These have ranged from 'maximal' combination on the hand--taking a poll among a large group of experts experts and using it as in input to a commission made up of smaller group of experts...

Teaching the Future

Draper L. Kauffman, Jr.

The thought that prophesy is poll of popular opinion is a mistake. And the thought that there will rapture and some kind of redemption from our nepotism and our narcissisism will come and select us as only dotted...

And the penalty of wrong vision is a confrontation with a bad suprise that things don't come up like we though they would and will be a discouragement and disappointment of the worst kind. And we will blame God and fate and luck but never conclude that it was our own mistake to believe what is not true expecially about what may perclude tommorrow, the distant future or our eternal destiny and that is the definition of a white lie...



And many will come saying I am he, I am he, I am he...


"Grief cut in, saying, 'Look, they're dying of natural causes, right? and if all that is wrong is thery're getting there early, well frankly, the same applies to you and far more so; and considering you consumption. What you need Moses is a new batch of rabbits,... and a week or two of abstinence. Take rest why don't you?'"

The Last Election
Pete Davies

According to the devil it is time to give it up!!

Why all he want is for to break up!!

And certainly his concern is not for our relationship or anybodys!!

And what he tell you and me...

Well could not for certain what is true in any sense...


And certainly Jesus is not a name we want to entartain as true...when...

everything else is ringed as sounding false...


Saturday, October 15, 2011

"My freinds, we want you to understand how it will be for those followers who have already died. Then you won't grieve over them and be like people who do not have any hope. We believed that Jesus died that when God brings Jesus back again, he will bring with him all that had faith in Jesus before they died..."

1Thess. 4:13-14
New Testament

On the subject...subjective...subjected...and ejected...!!!

I don't know Love, but that subject about my mother being saved...

May have be subjected to some ill finding...

But Lovi duck...I'm you gift you mother passed on to you...because she loved you...

Anyways what ejected...??

Well I think your mom was ejected from the vehicle when she crashed head no so I hear...!

But what was that have to do with her being saved...???

God question...



From precept to precept, from line to line,.... a little here and little there...

till you are snared...fallback and are ejected into eternal life...


Famliar sound...?

Check on that machuron put me on the spot...thing...

check on that ...Love...


Many are called...but few are really God loved the World...


Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Why Does Man Create?...

Why does man create??...

Is it man's purpose on earth to express himself, to bring form to thought, and to discover meaning in experience??..


Or is it just something to when he's bore?...

There's Treasure Everywhere

Calvin and Hobbes


I thing the best time to create is when time is idle and there really nothing going on at all.

Creating can come in a rush hour or the borest time of day.

Or when we want to keep the devil wating...

And certainly he does not want to wait...

But for us to frustrate and we wait on him...

But get a live when things tie up,...get you news paper...

or call you son Jimmy in Atlanta n' catch up in friendship...


And one said I was afraid of you...

Parable of Talents...


The New..Period...!!

"Their parents are divorced, there is a tremendous sense of fragmentation in families. I talk kids coming to buddism who don't know their mother is, I don't wheter she is living in the East Coast or the West Coast, haven't seen her for twelve years of something.

We have amazing stories that we are all aware. In a way it is very evolved undersanding..."

The Accidental Buddhist


Love, what this with what we talked about...

Nehemesis,...that Idont' like the way you look at me...

I could nto know what that look would be like??..

I say that what happened to my mother is not...

Well I see what you mean...

That somewhere I'd had to remember that she also had a dream...



Milagros are available at Santuario de Nuestra Senora de Guadalupe, about a mile south of the border, they are sold by Libreria Encuentro, a privetely owned shop, open a few hours a day, sell religious books and pictures and rosary beads...

Answered Prayers


Any ways Lovi, what with this telling you what to do...

And starting when and how and why would I want to do that and for what purpose...??

I don't know what you mean Makuron,...

But if you think that you can come by and ...

Tell me when the milk is out, well...

I don't see any reason why you have to come by...

No se...I don't like you being confident over me...

Makuras en College...but...

No Creia que se tratabe de mi...!



College is not everything...

But love is...


My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge...



Monday, October 10, 2011

The New Comes-in Post!!..

"In the message war, Petreaus had allies outside the adminstration who shared his beleifs and trusted his judgement. On Monday, September 14, a long op-ed appeared in the Wall Street Journal written by Senators Graham, Lieberman and McCain. Under the headline 'Only Decisive Force Can Prevail Afghanistan', the senators said they would stand with Obama if he gave McChrystal had told them he would need seven to eight brigades. Echoing Petraus, they wrote, 'More troops will not guarantee success in Afghanistan, but a failure to send them is a guaranteed of failure'"...

Obama's Wars
Bob Woodward

"Ananias and his wife Sapphira also sold a peice of property. But they agreed to cheat and keep some of the money for themselves.

So when Ananias took the rest of the money to the apostles. Peter said, "Why has Satan made you keep some of the money from the sale of the property?"

"Why have lied to the Holy Spirit?"

The property was yours before you sold it, and after you sold it the money was still yours"

"What made you do such a thing?"

"You did not lied to people. You lied to God!"

New Testament


And the conjecture is that we make trouble in order to benefit not U.S.A people but form argument to then turn it into sheckle and then to yen!!...

And this anti-arab argument is just a give some money matter to make sheckles.

And why we cannot make money unless we have hate and make war and make deficit spending a must...


Love any last thought in making a run-way show to make money...??

I could nto care less what people think about what is best for me and us...!!

But selling the precept of freedom in order to make a buck is a precept from the Devil himself

who why not send soldiers to fight a war not our own and we can toast champagne while my son is in trenches with out a thought about whether he or she will come back home again...


And you don't get because you don't ask...

And when you ask is only to satisfy your pleasures...



Friday, October 7, 2011

Please interceed for those that are perishing or Parishing and need you deperatedely right now...

Please save them from the damation promised to them and us in you righteous judgement...

Please remember how helpless we are and how fultile it is to deliver ourselves from you consuming flames that will burnt to dip the unrighteous and everyone who does nto perscribe to what you say...

And so Abraham believed God and he was saved...


Namely Love,...about the Love I have for you...

It from the earth or from heaven...???

Namely what the songs says...

If I said I love you...I mean it for ever...!!!

And knowing how insecure you are and so I AM and then I know...

And pray that I will be everything for you...

And if can't I will pray day and night and search every Ocean and Sea and Land and find what ever is lacking in you heart to be reasonably content and we will both thank God for keeping us together...


ps...check on that Malestron...

BSOM is all I need...pray for me on that...!!


Tuesday, October 4, 2011

The Come-back trail and the election...

Any ways Love, there any way?...

Coming to think about it...

I would say that...

We forget it Love...

In the end everything is together...

And by the bridge we went...

And if we can cross it is another matter...


I AM the bridge and the gate and the door...



The Come-back trail and the election...

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Sunday Sabbath Sermon Message: The Intuitive...

In many ways it seems that in America we have moved away from intuitive problem solving and become obsessed with logic. That's a shame because it means we've turned our back on what made us great.

One of the reasons we've moved away from intutive thought is that we feel its usefulness has been surpplanted by scientific thought, which is rooted in logic. In the Western world, scientific discovery has been so astonishingly successful for us that we put intuitive thought on the back burner.

Roger Dawson\Secret of Power Problem Solving


Another strategy to track Chinatown's environmental future comes in the unconventional format of a video game...

dig this gig
Laura Dodd


Lovi, and do you think life and success is movie?...

And what would be you movie?...

I think I would be like a...

Can't think or put it together right now...but

...fearful isn't or not...?

No...I thing the the movie would tell or entail or reflect...

a way to know that you are...I AM part of the movie and the...

happy ending...

And since I can see...that the movie would have a happy ending and it is...

predictable that it is just a movie...

And after I go and do something else...

But I cherish the thought of the movie message and sometimes

the message is difficult and some are horror movies that take me from

stress...I come to reality and sometime reality is more of a horror of letdown than a

bad movie that comes to an end...


ps. I see reality as very real...and if love is intuitive ...

I know for sure that is very real like God is...


"And sometimes Lovi all that matter to me is the love I have for you..."


Saturday, October 1, 2011

Go Air Force and keep up Navy...!!

Any ways Love,...what's with the AF score...?

I just gignkted Navy and AF scored right away!!...

Kien Sabe two mente...

Are you calln' me double menter minded?...

I don't know if you don't score, k ist because kyou you k don't have k together...kkk...!!

But Lovi, we are poem minded...!!!

I.O la regue...

KKK hs nothing to do with this bit...

I just din not know how to byte you...

ditto...10\4 on that nonsense...M person..


K pasa...



Let the Night rule by Night and the Day by Day...

Anyways Malestron...

Without Endreson...

Lovy,...what's with trouble...or trible or dribble?,,,

I don't know what you mean TTor D...person??...

Surely T is to B, and T is for Time,...

And what and where and when is it God's Time...

I don't Love, but I think of it when I don't have even a Diem...!


Brother can you spare a diem...??!!..

In the Mount of Horeb there happen some things important to the history of the people of God. There Moses recieved the revelation of the name of God...I AM. And this Sunday this lecture staes that Elijah and us as well receive instruction according to what God is about...

with expectacles and frill and dog jumping through hoops in a circus. Simple word to what God says in to our peace...


Love, what is new with you today?...

I don't M person,...but...

I think I realize why God created the start to shine at night...

And the animal to roam the earth...

I see that it comforting that something lights and...

Something exists...

And so is he the Name of God...I AM and so he lights and so he...



And Paul stated in Romans that the the Creations reveals the glory of God to light and exist...


God said let there light and it was so...