Saturday, October 1, 2011

In the Mount of Horeb there happen some things important to the history of the people of God. There Moses recieved the revelation of the name of God...I AM. And this Sunday this lecture staes that Elijah and us as well receive instruction according to what God is about...

with expectacles and frill and dog jumping through hoops in a circus. Simple word to what God says in to our peace...


Love, what is new with you today?...

I don't M person,...but...

I think I realize why God created the start to shine at night...

And the animal to roam the earth...

I see that it comforting that something lights and...

Something exists...

And so is he the Name of God...I AM and so he lights and so he...



And Paul stated in Romans that the the Creations reveals the glory of God to light and exist...


God said let there light and it was so...

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