Sunday, March 25, 2012


The birth of a child usually by passage through the birth canal. Individuals about to participate in the childbirth experience may find it stressful. Many women experience stress in handling some of the most practical details surrounding the birthing experience, such as reconginzing the start of labor and getting to the hospital on time..

Some women approach childbirth with anxieties excerbated by reports of difficulties from friends and relatives. First-time mothers, in particular, feel stresses by the unknown aspect of childbirt...

Stress A-Z

In the book "The Hunger Games" Gales asks Katsiss or something like that, he wants children and she is shocked that one would envision having children when there is no telling where the next meal is coming from...

And the idea of taking care of Mom and Sis and and everyone come to idea of some that the children should rise up to take are of the old cronies who failed to plan their twinlight years...

And Social Security is a way by which we can collectibly produce when we are young and share when we are old or elderly. But the presumption to bring a mainden to take care of your family is repudiant to to God...

God said that a man shall leave her mother and father and by joined to his wife as one unit. How mother and father get along well they should envision to stay together and help each and not be a burden to their children but help along the way once in while to take care of them but not to butt..

It should sound rude to talk this way but if playing golf and tennis and taking easy is what we envision, the Movie "The Hunger Games" envision a world of an aftermath of world cataclipse especially in the Americas..

And but in that movie, the society still want their children to perform for them. And in that Movie the figment of Treason is not alien to the fact that some do entertain the idea that we should heed that that could happen in this country..

And how we defend ourselves from those from abroad should give the idea that we should not forget we have a world economy where other do want what we have and we do need what other have..

And hunting with bow and arrow, well I hardly think we could survive since most or wilderness is Gone. And the beginning the end may ensue. And how we deal with our treasure to deal justly like our fore-fathers envisions as a way God would be pleased to bless us with properity, security, and code to deal with each other in a just way, and cherish our children not commit them to some way of hoping over them to get to where we old want to go...

May God have Mercy upon our Souls...


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