Saturday, February 25, 2012

"It'll be of fun", James said. "We said we'd be home by twelve and its only nine now. We can phone Fiona on the way to say we won't be in the restaurant be we won't be late either."...

Fiona, who was babysitting, was a college student who lived on Summer Street with her parents. Her mother was a nurses, which gave Christine peace of mind that if anything did happen-- please God it wouldn't-- Fiona's mother would be at number 34 in a flash with a full breadth of her medical trainin..."

Past secrets
Cathy Kelly

And the Serpent disgorged water like a river from its mouth after the woman, to cause her to drowned by the river. But the earth came to the woman's help and the earth swallowed, opened up its mouth and conficated the river that the dragon disgourged from its mouth. And He was was trouble with the woman and went off to get even with everone who helps the woman...


Dear Lovi, Ps. I love you...

I do get power from the eath to do what I can...

Though I sometimes wonder and sometimes Wander like a meandering river...

But I then I know them all the same...

And saying says that there's was a river issuing out of Eden to water the garden and from there it became parted and it became as it know the four heads...

...And the gold of the land is good. There's is also bdellium and the onyx stone, the bdellium for weapons and the onyx for glory and gold to exchange and market...

And Abraham came from Haran which is in Iraq and God told him to come out of that land of the Euphrates and the four rivers...

And the bdellium stayed on that Iraq land of pre-Eden...

And that He never knew what the that bdellium for weapons in bible was God was talking about...

I really don't see any wonder which they call you bele since well dealing with the Ab abd C's you really get all your threes 3'...


Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Cold Feet to the call of Glory!!..

Monroe Doctrine

At the proposal of the Russian Imperial Government, made through the minister of the Emperor residing here, a full power and instructions have been transmitted to the minister of the United States at St. Petersburg to arrange by amicable negotiation the respective rights and interest of the two nations of the northwest coast of this continent. A similar proposal has been made by His Imperial Magesty to the Government of Great Britain, which likewise has acceded to….

…Of events in that quarter of the globe, which we have so much intercourse and from which we derive our origin, we have always been anxious and interested spectators. The citizens of the United States cherish sentiments of the most friendly in favor of liberty and happiness of their fellow-men on that side of the Atlantic.

Our Documents
Passage Revelation 9:7-11:
7 The appearance of the locusts was like horses equipped for battle.(A) Something like gold crowns was on their heads; their faces were like men’s faces; 8 they had hair like women’s hair; their teeth were like lions’ teeth;(B) 9 they had chests like iron breastplates; the sound of their wings was like the sound of chariots with many horses rushing into battle; 10 and they had tails with stingers like scorpions, so that with their tails they had the power[a] to harm people for five months. 11 They had as their king[b] the angel of the abyss; his name in Hebrew is Abaddon,[c] and in Greek he has the name Apollyon.[d]

Revelation 9:10 Or authority Revelation 9:11 Or as king over them Revelation 9:11 Or destruction Revelation 9:11 Or destroyer
Cross References:
Revelation 9:7 : Jl 2:4 Revelation 9:8 : Jl 1:6
Holman Christian Standard Bible (HCSB)
Copyright © 1999, 2000, 2002, 2003, 2009 by Holman Bible Publishers, Nashville Tennessee. All rights reserved.


Love, what was you day like in that region??!!…

I thought…

I was…

I decided…

I was there…

To deliver…

Ditto…the music??!!…

I real…

I did hear the music from the Temple…

And I did hear the voice of the groom and the Bride!!..

Sketisu…Halleluya Praise God he was there to deliver from…

Misconceptions and those who walk in err…


Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Few historical topics are more facinating than the decline and fall of world conquering powers. In Rome's case this took centuries rather than years. The empire had survived a near-total collapse in the 3rd century and even in the 5th century AD saw only the fall of the western half of the empire- and half of that was recovered by the eastern empire in the 6th century AD...

Decline and Fall
Roman Empire
Nigel Rodgers

Keep close, I beseech you, to every means of grace. Strive to walk in all the ordinances and commandments of God blameless...."Add to your faith virtue; to virtue knowledge; to knowledge temperance; to temperance patience; to patience godliness; to godliness...kindness; to kindness charity"

(Jounal from May 6, 1760, to October 28, 1762," in 'Works', Vol. 3; page 88)
Three Simple Rules
Rueben P. Job

Love, what do you think of twisted number 8 on its back??!!..

I don't think that has any bearing on anything...

Lovi, did you know that every one who hangs on wood tree pole is accursed by God??!!..

If trust on thing that burn would we go anywhere??!!..

I think that gettin' the chaft means some street I don't where I don't want to go!!...

Jesus told Peter, somedays someone will dress you and take you where Peters don't want to go...

And do you think that pokin' a utitility pole down the throat is...well not Kosher??!!...

Well someone said that some were were Jesus put him on the wood cross he would hate his own creation...

Who...well I don't think hating you own parent or you own wife is bad...

But if someone put it in my mind to do that...well I would not like that hat!!..

And someone put something for us to hate our own country and ethinity...

Then Late President Kennedy well put us in hat perpective...

And sometime if not always gossip that break up a family couple come from another house, another woman, another country and another universe...

In Mexico they say "Kill the Dog and you will get rid of the Rabbies"...


Monday, February 20, 2012

"He stepped over to the curtain and I heard him him give the order"

Heaven is for Real
Todd Burpo

And the plan was this from long ago in a distant place that if the United States being the source where the Gospel of Grace is preached we would fulfill the purpose for world domination being the presumed dotted people of the world to God...

Well we could suvert their precepts of peace which bring blessing to the anglo ethnic group and to everyone else...

Well we thought if we could some how make this country weak we could rule over this country and the world...

But since this country is what who delivered us from Hitler the we did not envision Hitler to come back in Europe and the the US not being here we we could see that We could repeat the same mistake and end up in the oven again...

So envisioning to supplant this Country's Contitution would be back the oven Detriment...

So best thin is to support htis country USA ans then we could have some one to defend in the future...

And this idea od Tradecencs Emminence will not work to fulfill our security in the future...


May god of Grace keep us free in this Country...


Tuesday, February 7, 2012

The Huns came from the heart of eastern Asia. They drove the Ostrogoths out of Ukraine and into the Roman Empire into 376AD. Some 200,000 Goths, including Visigothic cousins livinb in Dacia, crossed the Danube, being allowed to settle in depopulated lands in Thrace...

Roman Empire
Nigel Rodgers

Love, curious something...

I really don't think...that...

Well,...what do you mean??!!...

I really thought the witches living in spase were out there...

No but now they inhabit the earth to bring curses on those who want to have one peaceful moment...


Wednesday, February 1, 2012

The early Christians built little for several reasons: keen expectations of Christ's imminent Second Coming, which made all large scale building seem rather futile; the relative poverty of many early Christians and most important, the intermitten but sometimes savage persercutions by authorities that drove them underground...

Nonetheless, Christianity gradually became the religion of the empire. This process began with Constantine's famous Edict of Milan, which granted freedom to all religions...

A vast church-building programme began in Rome as well as in Constantine's new capital on the Bosphorus, which was officially founded in AD330...

Rome-The Christian City AD312-609
Roman Empire
Nigel Rodgers
"J. Ernest Wilkings

Youthful math wizard who worked on the University of Chicago in developing the first atomic bomb. He was renown several years back when at the age of 19 he became the youngest Ph.D in the nation..."

Chicago Defender
August 18, 1945

Certainly the 'Religion' to come clean is prevalent to blame a disaster on a youth and being a negro and promising prominence and glory and pomp to someone and I could of thought of the Children who have no quibble with anybody in Nagasaki and Heroshima could of thought of thought of orthogating him obove the same glory being himself a youth and and someone in the race in in the fringes...

And constantine himself who know also envisioned a way to come clean and setup a psedeou way for man to come clean could only come to a dead end in the Reformantion being as religion by works...

And kindly know that Japan and China produce now the most advance algorithims in math that lead the world world in the production of the fastest computer chips...

And equality still in the fringes I would think that if were be brough to be born to have ever touched to learn anything new...


Love,...your thoughts...??!!

I would think that the lean the Orient has on our advanced techonology...

We wouldt think God is not forget them in setting them free from those...

Who is fair to pay a little to those Deceandants of who made us the strongest nation in the world...USA and we intend in keeping it that way...

And make a cut on those who helped us along the way to where we are now...
