Sunday, May 17, 2009

Spilling the beans on the con-job...

Wow! Hello Journal, have I had a day! They kicked us out of so-and so club site! It was disappointing to be cast out! I now know what it is to be cast out! Easy, easy take easy soul. Relax and let on the spilling the beans about the con-job!

I don't know if I can put it together. I fear. I won't be made clear! Well let's head on! Once upon a time the devil started a compaing in Babel or now Babylon. He want to get into the business of humans and their God.

He started a Religion called Mystery Babylon the Mother of all abominations. This is in Revelations. He figured man likes to feel good, so we will invent a religion where he will feel good. And the devil know or knew that men like personal satisfaction.

And we wanted to feel good about obeying God and started the Religion of works. And surely we will hop on the bible and make man obey God. That will work. After all God has nothing against obedience.

You know what happend to Adam and Eve for disobedience. God punished disobedience. So that what we will build. A guilt trip based on obedience. God will surely punish those who get out of my obedience trap.

Am I clevely devil or not?! So throughout history we will prompt men to feel holy for obedience. You know this Jesus is praised for his obedience even unto death. Men will want to imitate him. And many imitate the great ones of obedience of the bible.

I will not mention what Exodus 31:31 say that the Sabbath is a perpetual sign to remind God and men that it is God that sactify them. I want them to trust on their own 'obedience' to feel holy. Like if they owe God something.

This is wonderful! You cleverly devil! Men want to feel good. And I will teach them to look down on other 'sinner' so they feel more good and more holy. And for desert I will obscure the command to forgive others and put this ritual with those who worship idols!

They will never imatate an idol worshipper! But then I will have a party, just before the He comes who says I AM, who does he think he is God?! I need proof of that! But about the party! I will put a test to test their obedience. I will require them to accept my stamp or else?

I will take hostage their pantry. They won't be able to buy or sell groceries unless they have my permission. I will not permit with out my stamp! I know by then they will all believe that they have to loose their lives and they love in order to be holy!

They will never believe that non-sense Solomon who said somewhere that one should not be over-righteous and destroy ones head for their 'holiness'? I know they will have trouble! Their own family will pressure them to take the stamp of my approval!

But if they only knew that they did not have to believe me and do what ever they have to eat and have shelter. Their own Lord told them what David do when he hungered, he went into the temple and ate the holy bread and shared it with those who were with him.

But this sort of stuff I will never bring up in Bible School. I have to keep them believing that they have to keep earning 'holy' points until they are holy enought to be worthy of anything. I will make them lament and question their salvation. Why they would never question what they have

been taught in church for centuries! But I better hurry and help them feel more good and holy before He come and ruins the party for us devils. Hush! Do let anyone spill the beans! Well we see ya soon, holy people, you are VIPs at my party coming soon! Yo ah take care naw!

Journal! Journal! Help me! I had the most horrific nightmare. I'm glad it was just a nightmare! It was so real! The devil has this plan....

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Getting off the stage-coach...

Now that felt good. Getting off the stage-coach and into the inn. Sound like the scene of western movie in Rio Bravo or somewhere in some dusty town of the old west. And we I get off the stage-coach I go to my summer house in the country-my blogger account.

We got thing going elsewhere, but we just want to take it easy and try to think clearly for second. We've been running round and round the web and we just want to retire here for the evening. Now where do you think I would go with such as this introduction.

Well let's pray and hopefully God can tell us what and in what direction he has numbered our steps. We went into some web hosting but we were not to satified with the results. We want to be where the fish are.

We've made lots of friends here in this site and written quite a bit of blogs and had some view and comments on those blogs. Someblogs were out-lawed and some held at gun-point and some ambushed. But most of the cattle made it safe to the corral.

There this certian person in this site one old and one young, both precious on my friends list. I really pray when I wake I write something that ministers to them. We haven't been able to fast like we should. The flesh is giving me a fight.

Sooner or later I really have to turn in my badge to God and let him run the jail for a while while I visit the saloon and check for building code violations. A Sheriff is indespensible. You just have to lighten up and loosen up there. You are all too tense and stressed.

I seems everything is in check here in the saloon. The wine is fine and the tables are clean. I'd better get back to the jail and keep an eye on 'Billy the Kid' and keep him there until the marshal get here for the trial.

When the marshal get here, he's going to put alot of people in jail. We'll thats that way things are in my town out west. I could use a Mexican Salami burrito right about now. Yes and now you know what happens if you get off the stage-coach in my old town here in old blogger west. May

you keep out of trouble. You don't want any trouble with the sheriff. Bye.

See ya now!


Saturday, May 2, 2009

Looking back a little bit...

Sometimes I turn back to my blogger account and tell it something I don't tell any other. It's when I take my tea or coffee and just let my mind wonder and think and take the road less trodded. Ever since we started our blogger account things began to happen.

Now we have an account in about two and a half sites. I call one a half site, because it's under devilopement and we had our problems there, but the Lord allowed us to stand. At Christianblog, we made a lots of freinds.

At True2Ourselves the building continued. The Lord has allowed me the greatest streak of prodigal indulgence since January of this year. The Word of God just keep on giving. All we've written we just have given it away like the same way our host allowed us into their sites.

I think the greatest challenge for the Christian blogger is staying faithful to the word of God, because not everyone does. And when become clear to me, sometimes it is not clear to everyone and sometime we have misunderstandings.

But our of the flints of strife the Lord has been able to bring fires of fellowship and freindship. It has been a good year so far. But then we have to pray for the less fortunate than ourselves and perhaps refresh their dire life with the wealthe that we have.

And now the Lord want to minister to our youth and how are we going to do that. I have to ask for God's help and grace to accomplish that. But I still believe God can accomplish any task his sets his heart to do and we don't doubt that it will come to pass in due time. May you be blessed.

