Monday, November 28, 2011

Why Pess when things are a Mess!!...

How to make the ordinary? be a pessimist. A dose of dread can turn a likely outcome into a trill if you're not allowed to contemplate the outcome in the first place...

Kaja Perina
Phychology Today

Any ways Love what do you think about the young man lookin' gookin' a the kind chick?...

I could not care less about what you think...but..

I think we could be more constructive on what we contemplate with our eyes..


If i thought you were beautifull and told you so...

What remends what comes next an obstacle?...


She is beatiful...

Yet I really would not give up for all the twikiest morses in the world...

Because you wpuld kill for me...

Game over...!!

Put another quarter in machine...



Contemplate the truth here and don't be Pessamistic...!!!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

We cannot stress enough the idea that the way to put American to work is to help themselves at what ever the do, even washing their hands and faces. The idea that money has to come from the payroll is a myth...

Any activity to toil a little child putting his shoes in the closet or folding you washed and dried clothes will produre income. God says that there is profit in all toil. And working around the home is not a holiday off in winter...

And being gracious to neighbors and strangers is never out of style. But the thought of conserving and being worried should give way to the phipth that fear is not something we want to bargain with...

So investing in our securitiy to feel safe and working to be a better farm produce and baking cookies from scratch is not a bad idea...

And what so important and not least is making more bridges in our relationships. And old style ideas of stocking in firewood and matches and camping equipment is not a bad investmen as well. Making make-shift weapon to defend you home should be a good option to court respect should an emergency should happen and police help be short...

But the main idea to make capital is to forstall the overhead of the home and family but with balance idea to share what we have with those less fortunate than ourselves and forgiving and enemy once in why will make a future freind...


Monday, November 21, 2011

"A few years ago, I retired after working for most of my adult life. At first I glorified in the fact that each morning I could step out on my front porch, take a sip of my coffee, and wave goodbye to my neighbors as they went off to work...

This euphoria soon gave way to feeling of restlessness and boredom. I realized that for me to enjoy retirement, I had to see it as means to an end, not an end itself. Soon I was teaching Bible studies, leading women's groups, mentoring and writing. In time, my retirement days were filled with many enjoyable and meaningful pursuits..."

Psalm 71:17-21

Upper Room
Sept 12, 2011

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Holy God, wonderful Savior, Jesus: Lord of Heaven andEarth: Messiah:

I'm terrified and dismayed at what happened today. I forgot God will not overlook Phariseetical behavior and will destroy the works of our hands. He wil visit our most precious blessings and marr them...

He will visit disaster upon our children and their lives. I was amazed how God took the matter in his own hands and ripped the roof off the appartments. Jesus said woe to you Pharisees. And it came to pass...

I never seen God take someone that way. The children of the Pharisees should always pray for their parents that the light of the gospel shine in their hearts. We should love them even if they are our enemies and make supplication for them...

Because God is not going back on his word to bring woe. Thankyou God for continuing your instructions on the ways of the Pharisees and the plight of our children. May the Master have mercy on us and deliver us...

Thankyou God for your insight this day. May you have all the Glory in Heaven and Earth. In Jesus Name We Pray. Amen.


Wednesday, November 16, 2011

"On his first trip to Iowa since decade-old sexual harrasment allegations surfaced, Cain inderectly addressed the foreign policy problem by telling more than 200 people at a northeastern Iowa restaurant tha the US needed to leave no doubt about allies and enemies..."

Thomas Beaumant
Associated Press

The deal on the Christian level, since someone of important place in Government, should in Iowa be more worried about what it is in the Silos of Corn and not what is in the Silos of destruction which take us away from the Energy to keep those Silos filled...

And remending that making more freinds in the world keep us more secure and abudant on the table than making one more strategic foreign leader hostile and showing a poor diplay of table manners to be courteous so no body eats until everyone is serves and not glut a special

interest group attention or egenda, other than national security, more Corn to go around and teaching our citizens and their Children that for once bury the Tomack Missle to those whon have nothing against us,,,

Ps. Our President Obama had certainly earned his bread and butter by keeping gas prices stable and a 7% growth in the GNP...


If it works don't fix it...



Sunday, November 13, 2011

Lord God Jesus thankyou for all you kind instruction. Some time I got a letter from the Government for Jury Duty and I began to exempt myself for my mental dissability, the physical make-up of my brain is not up complete...

I figured I couldn't bear the stigma of court trial and bear the phycologycal trauma of attendin' one. Since I spoke about venturin' out, but I must make a qualification that one shouldn't put the Lord God to the test if there is an issue...

In my case I think there is one. My stamina is not all complete and could brake down in that situation. Bu the issue is of growth and liberty. Growth is the issue because we have to grow in grace and knowledge of our Lord God. Liberty is also an issue because without venture there is no growth...

Freedom to examine God and test must be in place to us growth. The argument is weak, but sincerity is also and issue. So we examine ourselves to see if we are truly born again. Examine ourselves to see if we truly born again...

Do we really have the Liberty of the Children of God? Does the Spirit of God truly lead us to better things? Are following the lead? May God help us determine this. In Jesus Name we Pray. Amen.


Saturday, November 12, 2011

Come and Come for Sure Out of It...!

Dear Freinds,

I was wan't to contain my topic on hte climbin' the ladder of success. I was watchin' the movie called "The Employee of the Month", on DVD nad it rebuted everything I said in Chat 3. That is how can anyone grow out of his old life...

In movie, the main character had no ambition to improve himself until a circumstance came along that made him aspire for a better life. His old life and buddies kept draggin' him back and accused him a climber and an opportunist to say the least...

In the end he realizes that he could grow our of his old mold and be a happier person. Modern music and entertainment glorifies stayin' in town and not verturin' out. keepin' the old buddies and surroundin's...

In the movie "Jack" not related to anyone, finally realizes that he could improve his life and further himself. In the old testament an endentured slave that refuses his liberty was marked with a mark to show others how foolish he was to say the least...

Lot's wife turned into a pillar of salt when she looked back to her old life. Abraham was called out of his country and Father's House. The Israelites were called out of Egypt and those that complained and yearned to be back perished in the wilderness...

In the Parable of the Feast, the Lord points out many that passed out the feast by makin' excuses. The Point is Clear. May Jesus have all the Glory. Amen.


My Mother was sayin', about this author says' that it is not what you are but whit whom you associate. The premodial thing is to be with important people. He climbed and climbed until he went to be with great men...

In other words, cultivate good relations with with whom it is important to associate with. In final what I want to say, I leaned about that concept to get along with your superiors. I cost me, because I had a lot of emotional trauma in my profession because I had to think how I had to grow up in my road to may goal..

If you don't break those chains of those beliefs, you will never grow up in your ladder to success. Wisdom has proven to be true. I have a letter saying that we are partriarcs with the institutional learning...

And I treasure that feeling. From that point on that letter told me what new name I had, to go and produce fruit in my life. To what new level I had ascended. I can never go back to my old freinds and life...

They will never understand. So that author say that one has to get out of that no-life situation. They may have breath but they are not going anywhere....

In conclusion that is the price*****starts the eduacation in latter life. Most of his gifts are gone. One can manage but it is not the same. I tell coleagues to reach excellence.


Friday, November 11, 2011

The Fleece of the Ages...?

Oblation has stopped, lip service is in. Oblation to the cause of the gospel is on the diminishing end. People talk about love and concern but their heart is for ********. Like in Haggai, the causes of the building of the Temple is on the lips but away from their pocket-books where the real issue is...

There's no real love for the cause of Christ, to establish his Kingdom. The heart is set on today. Their wives of today, thier children of today. All in all "I'm a Christian" or "in the name of Christ", but his real concern is not with them...

When Jesus said "this generation will not pass away until he comes" is true. Today's generation of Pharisees are alive and well today. The devil's emmissaries are alive and well preaching the cause...

The preach but their participation is far away. Amazing prophesy from Jesus....

My Mother was prophesying about edentity robbery and hacker and computer crackers. I could not see the message. But these fakek messiahs and false prophets have stolen the name of Christ to preach their own gospel and come into God's house and stolen the flock...

Many will be led astray. How true that is...

May God have all the glory in this revelation of this disaster. But he did warn us. May we be given accountance to be worthy to escape this things that will come to pass and stand before the Son of Man. Like the sleep in Matt. 24:31-46 and may God have all the praise and all the glory in forever.

The Crusaders justified their murder by the piosity of Church of that Day or Period. Like the wife beater and teh alchoholic they thought God loved them that way for what they did...

The pharisees, or Children of Abraham, they called themselves, thought that God would bless them together with Moses and the Prophets for the Religion they paraded in the Times of Jesus. Jesus certainly did nto agree with them and or their Religion...

What about the Religion of Today and today's Christians. Well the first observation is the same as those before. They think God loves them that way...

It is my observation that the preaching of the Gospel is the most unpleasant thing to do and not talk about. The gospel of family, the brothers and their unity against anything else...

Giving to the outside, especially, the good news that Jesus is here to help sinners, is secondary to self help. And "spiritual growth" with all the 'loving' but nto all the great sacrificing for the cause of the preaching of the gospel...

The children and church always came first. May God grant us mercy and repentance.

In Jesus Name we Pray.



Come all ye heavey laden, and I will give you rest...



Saturday, November 5, 2011

What Re-Mem-Bears...!

Love,...How about you today...?

Had to work on Saturday?...

I don't know...

But I sense...that I have more peace...lately...

And what remends that Lovi...flower?

I sense that...we hit the nail on the head somewhere...

And how is that Love Potion number Nine...

I couldn't say but when Jesus was nailed on the cross...

They hit the problem right on the head....

You mean...the wrists?...right?

Well they gave him vile to drink....

And then to heaven...

Well anyways...

ditto...end Love...

I don't know what nine has to do with Potion...

But I can't figure otu what how they hit him on the head?...

Well...he became the problem for us...

And God put him on the cross forever away...with all our problems...

And we have problems...but none that God will not nail away....


ditto..all problems away...Jesus on the Cross...


Friday, November 4, 2011

Rocky Roads and Horny Toads...

Where would we be without roads?
They are to the health of the human
race as veins and arteries are to the human
body. As veins and arteries transport the
nutrients our body needs, so roads
transport the goods and services the
the human race needs for commerce...

Turning Points
David Jeremiah

He couldn't be happier. "Ah, this is normal", he advises. "Tohave
a wandering mind is very normal. Yes. Never become discouraged by

I nod again.
"Nothing that is good comes easily. Some of what is bad comes
easily for us, of course, but none of what is good...

The Accidental Buddhist
Dinty W. Moore

When one of you has a complaint
against another, do you take your
complaint to a court of sinners?

Or do you take it to God's people?
Do you not know that God's people will
judge the world, can't you settle small problems?

Do you not know will we judge angels?

And so if that is so we can judge everyday matters...

New Testament

Love, you perseption in this matter of settling accounts and problems?...

I don't know...

But the thing is,....that

I cannot...

Why not?...

Because how can a freely fairly judge if I myself AM not free?...

Ditto...then...last thought!!!..

Render to Ceasear what is Ceasear's and redender to God what is Gods....

And the Temple we are...

And what ever we are that is what we are the Temple of God....

Not knowing how we earned that position...

Ps...I can't say...
Well...I can't believe it...
Chek that thought out...

Over and out...



Paul said to eht are the Temple of God...
