Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Few historical topics are more facinating than the decline and fall of world conquering powers. In Rome's case this took centuries rather than years. The empire had survived a near-total collapse in the 3rd century and even in the 5th century AD saw only the fall of the western half of the empire- and half of that was recovered by the eastern empire in the 6th century AD...

Decline and Fall
Roman Empire
Nigel Rodgers

Keep close, I beseech you, to every means of grace. Strive to walk in all the ordinances and commandments of God blameless...."Add to your faith virtue; to virtue knowledge; to knowledge temperance; to temperance patience; to patience godliness; to godliness...kindness; to kindness charity"

(Jounal from May 6, 1760, to October 28, 1762," in 'Works', Vol. 3; page 88)
Three Simple Rules
Rueben P. Job

Love, what do you think of twisted number 8 on its back??!!..

I don't think that has any bearing on anything...

Lovi, did you know that every one who hangs on wood tree pole is accursed by God??!!..

If trust on thing that burn would we go anywhere??!!..

I think that gettin' the chaft means some street I don't where I don't want to go!!...

Jesus told Peter, somedays someone will dress you and take you where Peters don't want to go...

And do you think that pokin' a utitility pole down the throat is...well not Kosher??!!...

Well someone said that some were were Jesus put him on the wood cross he would hate his own creation...

Who...well I don't think hating you own parent or you own wife is bad...

But if someone put it in my mind to do that...well I would not like that hat!!..

And someone put something for us to hate our own country and ethinity...

Then Late President Kennedy well put us in hat perpective...

And sometime if not always gossip that break up a family couple come from another house, another woman, another country and another universe...

In Mexico they say "Kill the Dog and you will get rid of the Rabbies"...


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