Saturday, June 25, 2011

The Problem with Trisha!....

Anyways,..googly lovi...

BSOM: I don't know what yo mean...

thbg: I kind a' think we could yatch race in scandi!...


thbg: Anyways munchskin of pop corn butter...

BSOM: Qe pack so my lit lo bo peep!...

thbg: Yo want to see a new face in the world...

BSOM: I did not know Hollo Winni time yet aqui...que quieres...salele pare fuera now!...

thbg: I kind of think...

BSOM: I think huh?...What kind of devil trick is that to play on me that you can...think?!...

thbg: ...I thought...

BSOM: That's it...I thought...GAME OVER!...

Hobo in Nantiki

1 comment:

Candlelight said...

Senior Presidente the Uganda,...

I wante to tell u that fugitive aque en USA,....

He wants to destruir destroy el covanento mas santo des stapillas and welfare pare todos...

Deciende que Straight Americans not so igual Boones Farm Blood Berry Hill...

Bueno que paso nd Silla HIll or Bunker Hill...

Parece el Bagel no sabe bien with Wisconsin Amino...los mas santo remedio...

el ultimo remedy para tamar drink tomar el nombre del Senior Uganda en Vano...

Como...Que tiened que ver Como con bueno...

Este trago Artic Circle...American moy good..comlo no te digo...el gusto much mal gookiar... se mas que tomar este moy bueno Gallo...

Bueno cuando veine a moy Gallo Bagel traer las manannita.. a michle...en no tego...aqui...

...otro trago parque Sir With Love tiene las Mananitas llenas the sorgo y taminbine sorgigos...ahola que sorgo pare las ninos the Garka en Tokie probres ninos...

que lastima...

Ah que hora lla pare tomar otro trago differente...

Hobo de Nantiki