Saturday, May 19, 2012

Logan Heights

Logan May 19, 2012"Hi, Logan." "Hello, Elizabeth." She leaned against the railing, a slight smile on her face. "How was the drive?" "Not too bad." "Must of been strange, thought." "How so?" The Lucky One Nicholas Sparks --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- When you chik ask you how was the drive? The putter could of been best... When she slighs must of been strange? I seen worst movies... And she finishes you off if you were lucky? I'd say... I'd tell her ney... But never let off the my loft hay....!! Don't work out??? Nay!!!... I can't lie but can't now assert... But my love for you lost... Night and day search for that heart miss most...!!! BSOM\thbg Imagine you lost your Mavelline set?? Call Heaven and Earth...find and no rest... Jesus

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