Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Really want to control you?!!..

Jesus once said that what ever man needs and doesn't want is control!...

The notion of God controling man is a dispute for ages!...

And the whim to man to control his woman...

Well that is different totally...

When Lucifer saw EVE...naked in her total glory of splendor beuaty...

Well he just had to find a way to control that splendor!!...

And in man Lucifer finds he can control whom would be the helper of man...

and not the option to give him counsel!!...

And in woman creatin' frivolous beings satan created a just excuse to whip...

exaburant gossippers of no control...

And in man Lucifer created whimps of the the worst report of cowardize...

That the wife could justify find another across the street and ruin some relationship...

Over there...

And creatin' gossippers and whimps it must of being a master piece plan to destroy...

The Nuclear family and revile God as to really knowin' what he was doinf in creatin'...

man and woman in his image!!!...

Not a bad day for Lucifer to destroy society where everyone has a just reason to hate another

fellow human bein'...living inthe person the best worst example of what Godliness is...!!!

So you see or do you not see?!!...



Come ye all together and be one for a moment if possible!!..


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