Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Why I don't like Jesus!! Per Ser!!..

Lovely Lace,...How was the ice cream?!...

I don't know like where that question is takin' me and us?!...

Lovely Pumpin,...per ser ve...that the cow takes a long time to lactate milk...

And only when pregnant!!...

And what does that tell me about what you want to tell me?!!...

Lincoln Glory,...Some gifts are easy and some are hard!!...

Tommorows Hope,...I really like to eat my ice cream with out the third degree guilt ticket!!...

Only Once,...Ok...forget it...!!

...Just pay the ice cream and let's go!!...

Tinker Bell,...I kind of think...you keep telling me about that wonderful subject...

...and you pay the ice cream and then when I have seconds we can happily go...

....Where you learn all that wonderful stuff...it's so nice!!!...

....some cord snaps!!...



Get the last laugh here...it is the best one!!!


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