Friday, March 16, 2012

They day Volaire invented history. They? All right, not they, but rather it was Marie de Vichy-Chamrond, marquise du Deffand, who said Voltaire "hasa invented" history-- something she had, appaarently, been waiting for. She may have meant Voltair was making it all up...

Glad You Asked
Michael Feldman
Encyclopedia Brittanica

It may appear that the life we live is just a recording or record or self appointed movie to amuse God or the the Devil with all the evil that occurrs upon the earth. And if We have a complusion of something being real it is not.

And if we thought We asked God for something, We that is a delusion as well. What happens to appear in Heaven is a delusion of I don't know what is going on there.

Try asking in prayer for something and see if it happens!!!

And the finest relationship is just delusion where woman knows what she wants and will search the Garden of Eden to find it. And she found someone to tempt her and leave what the Garden of Eden because she was not satisfied enough...

And goes to say that a lustful and covetous heart it is really never satified for all eternity...

So had to say that the wages of sin is death so in the end God would be satified in putting that dissatifaction to rest for ever...

But those who continue in thanksgiving well more satisfaction will be given to them in the new Heaven and the new Earth where on Righteousness Dwells...

The old form of woman will not be allowed to enter that new preception to ruin Paradise again...


Heaven and Earth will roll away like an old Garment and will go with a Loud Noise...

And the present form of 'God' will also perish with the old Heaven and the New God will appear who does answer the Prayers of those who dwell on the Earth...


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