Monday, September 19, 2011

How to solve the Budget!!...

One Malestrom aked me how do we solve the bug-get?!!...

And Nantili said to this ill repore hood...

...Now why would you want to solve something that does not per ser pertain to you!!..

And he sais i want to be relected!!...

And Nantiki said sadly...

Now why would you want to do that number??..

Ok Nantiki said... I tell you how to solve the Bug-get!!...

Hold the line...

On the expense...

And pay the debts before you porkbarrel the gifts...

And some gift your really need to put ahead...

Because someone in ill report country when you came to office...

Turned to you and fight not and smiled instead...!!..

Coprende Senior you know who...police de la natcion...???


Reach out and touch someone...



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