Saturday, September 24, 2011

"Please interceed for those that are perishing adn need you deperatedly and now.!! Please save them from damnation promised to them righteous judgement.!! Please remember our helpless and how futile our efforts are to deliver ourselves from sin and judgement.!!"

"Thank yo for tis' day dn remember our children adn theirs.!! Please help us remember for us to love mercy, do justly adn to walk humbly with God your...

May you be blessed and praised in Heaven and on Earth.!! May you have all the glory adn all honor with all the exaltation and wonder..."




Your forehead is back to normal...

Hem...The brain enhancement exercise you have you worn off...

But you haven't written you paper yet...hem...hem!!...

Oh,thats the easy part for you,...the hard part for me was getting the topic...

And why is that hem..hem...

Making this funny drawings...was more easy...

seeing what goes on in thy twinkly brain...


There will be a day of reaconing you know...

Something do filter through...

I guess you have a good filter...



Ok...I'll let her alone...

10/4 on that...hem...hem...


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