Sunday, October 16, 2011

Impact of Population on Economics

(a) Rapid population growth nullifies economic gains from industrialization and effort to equalize income.

And certainly if the dotted increase that is not important as a problem why we have the whole world...

(b) Birth control permits increase wealth per person but may limit labor supply for crucial changeover effects.

And certainly we want to limit who comes into the world but who will do the dishes and bed for us...

(c) Gender selection also decreases population growth but with reducing the available labor force.

And we find our selves dotted but not dotted enough to sustain ourselves and the job bill is good bill is some else is there to take on the hull the picking of the onions and chile...

(d) Reduced life span means reduced efficience in many areas---especially education of a skilled labor force.

And worst part we hate about Catholics is that they want to reproduce themselves without brakes and we just don't have enought inversities to help them become something. And per ser the blessing are not there for everyone and who know who will do the ditty business of getting the food on the table...



Pressure of population on land and resources have been a pricipal cause of war in the past.

Teaching the Population

Draper L. Kauffman, Jr.

And the thought is that if we can dot off the map some Arabs and git their oil and we can also cancel some Americans we can win both ways and survive of the fittest like we like to entertain we are more cult and selected and dotted by God as more special...


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