Friday, October 7, 2011

Please interceed for those that are perishing or Parishing and need you deperatedely right now...

Please save them from the damation promised to them and us in you righteous judgement...

Please remember how helpless we are and how fultile it is to deliver ourselves from you consuming flames that will burnt to dip the unrighteous and everyone who does nto perscribe to what you say...

And so Abraham believed God and he was saved...


Namely Love,...about the Love I have for you...

It from the earth or from heaven...???

Namely what the songs says...

If I said I love you...I mean it for ever...!!!

And knowing how insecure you are and so I AM and then I know...

And pray that I will be everything for you...

And if can't I will pray day and night and search every Ocean and Sea and Land and find what ever is lacking in you heart to be reasonably content and we will both thank God for keeping us together...


ps...check on that Malestron...

BSOM is all I need...pray for me on that...!!


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