Sunday, October 16, 2011

The Power and the Priority of Love

thbg what do yo think about love?...
Love how do you answer that question,..since a woman who want to know about that issue...
...Kindly know Lovistud,...that what perclude a woman is not what percludes a love in a man...
...I sit this one out...continue...Love...

I think that we can have a communion of such where we can agree and be agreeble even if we disagree...

But Love some one I'm told always want to win or needs to win...the argument even if they mess it up big time...please continue...I...interested much...

Lovistud,...I think if we can check and check,...freeze freeze... check...chek...then
I really do not know what love is...

But Love,...if given opportunity to escape a relationship should not be happy to go...?

I really don't know what to say about that tema or theme...but...if I checked you out ok...
it must of been for a good lasting reason...even as you thought at that moment...?1

I really not agree with that view,...I really believe the Power and Priory of Love lies in the miracle God put in my heart for you but I don't know how really...I'm in you heart all the time and you in mine...

And Power, that that what God has joined together let no one cast asunder...and that has proven that I don't know where you get all that Power to come back .... and Priority I'm told the first thing you tell me in the morning is...are you there...

And what really hurt me is that when you can't understand that I don't really love you the way you want me to...

And perclude Lovi that percludes that will...forget it...for me you are my first Priority to Love together with Love God himself...

And what percludes that I'm not your first Priority I forgive...because...

When I came to you, did not call me or know me...and in the end...I'm resposible for what I take out of nest...then...I'm happy to have you in mine...

And I know you don't know your own self per ser that some of you much...has to do to follow me where ever I go and ask whether I was in today to see you though you may never admit it to my facy face...


If...forget it...all wish to see you once again....
And...cut there...


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